Yesterday, we arrived in Monteverde. It took a little while to figure out the WiFi, so that's why this post is late.
The drive from San José to Monteverde took a few hours, and I was asleep for a decent part of it. I noticed that the as soon as we got out of San José, it became more rural. The parts of the journey that I was awake for were through rural areas. There were lots of smaller towns and fields of cows. At one point, we also saw the Pacific Coast, which was a stark difference from the streets of San José.
Something that stood out to me was how many people actually live and work in Monteverde. Because it's a town on a mountain, I expected there to be much less going on. However, there's a decent sized town with many stores (mostly targeted at tourists) and restaurants.
When we originally arrived in Costa Rica, I was a little surprised. The city of San José wasn't like I expected. It was dirtier and the streets and sidewalks, as well as many of the buildings looked old and worn down. When I pictured Costa Rica before that, I pictured more picturesque scenery, with a lot more green. My expectations before the trip weren't entirely wrong, seeing that Monteverde basically fits that description.
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